Community Swaps

The Swap Events are a collaboration between the Canmore Public Library and the Homelessness Society of the Bow Valley. Together, we strive to foster community connection, promote sustainability, and support our community. Whether you are looking for items, have items to drop off, or want to swap items, everyone is welcome!

Cost: Free, with the possibility to donate to HSBV

Location: Friends Program Room at Canmore Public Library

We currently host two types of swap events:

Monthly Full Moon Themed Swaps: Held on the Friday and Saturday closest to the full moon. These swaps are themed based on the full moon (e.g., gardening, kitchen supplies), with donations accepted during swap hours. The themes are for inspiration, we still accept any clothing items during these swaps.

Clothing Swap-O-Ramas: These massive clothing swaps occur twice a year and typically run for a full weekend. Donations are accepted during the week leading up to the event. The Swap-O-Rama focuses on clothing, shoes, and accessories only.

Upcoming Swaps

  • Goose Moon Swap

    March 14: 5:00 - 7:30 pm

    March 15: 10 am - 2 pm

    Please bring gently used items on the day of the swap as a donation. Everything is free and everyone is welcome!

  • Swap-O-Rama

    April 11: 5:00 - 7:30 pm

    April 12: 10 am - 2 pm

    April 13: 10 am - 2 pm

    Please bring gently used clothing, shoes and accessories only. Everything is free and everyone is welcome!

  • Flower Moon Swap

    May 9: 5:00 - 7:30 pm

    May 10: 10 am - 2 pm

    Please bring gently used items on the day of the swap as a donation. Everything is free and everyone is welcome!


We’ve received fantastic feedback on hosting these swaps monthly, and we’re excited to continue them throughout 2025. However, we can’t do it without our amazing volunteers! Volunteers are crucial to making these events happen, and we’re truly grateful for any support interested community members can provide to keep this community initiative running strong.

If you are interested in volunteering at one of our community swaps, please complete this form and a staff member will reach out to you. 

Please note that this information will be collected on the Canmore Public Library website.


We are dedicated to enhancing our swap events and would love to hear your thoughts. Whether you've attended our monthly Full Moon Swaps or the bi-annual Clothing Swap-O-Ramas, or if you haven't yet participated, your feedback is crucial. To help us shape future swaps, please complete the survey found here.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Of course! Here are ways to donate your gently used items:

    Monthly Swaps: Please donate items on the same day of the swap, during swap hours.

    Clothing Swap-O-Rama: You are welcome to donate items the entire week leading up to the swap, as well as during swap hours!

  • No problem! The swaps are open for anyone to join, regardless of whether you bring items or not. Come on by and grab whatever you'd like - everyone is welcome!

  • The swaps are FREE - no purchase necessary!

    You are welcome to donate cash to support HSBV during the swap, or donate through our website if you would like to show support.

  • Yes, of course! The themes for our monthly Full Moon Swaps are meant to act as inspiration only, a jumping off point for those who aren't sure where to start!

  • We kindly ask that all donations be in clean, working order, as we do not accept broken or dirty items.

    At this time we are also unable to accept large furniture items or large appliances such as couches, chairs, ovens, fridges, etc. If you are unsure if we will accept your item, feel free to call us at the Library to inquire before bringing it in.

  • No. At this time, we do not place limits on how many items you can take or how long you spend swapping. You are welcome to come browse at your leisure and take home as many items as you'd like.

    With that being said, we do kindly ask that you are respectful and considerate of other swappers.

    If there is a line up to get into the Program Room, we ask that when it's your turn to swap you keep in mind that there are others waiting who are just as eager as you to swap.

    If you are planning on taking a large number of items (more than 2-3 average sized bags), we suggest coming to the swap during the final hour of the last day to take as much home with you as you'd like.

Swap Gallery